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Why Millions Are Trying FDA-Authorized Alternatives to Big Pharma’s Weight Loss Drugs
Compounding pharmacists can make GLP-1 drugs at lower cost. The drugs should not be confused with counterfeits, but caution is called for.
Breast Cancer Screening: When to Begin?
Mammograms save lives. They can also raise the risk of false positive results. A decision aid helped women 40 and over choose a path.
Styles of Narcissism
Narcissists' overbearing and sometimes explosive personalities remain fairly stable over time. Here are some ways for those in their orbits to cope.
What You Need to Know about Uterine Fibroids
Too few women are aware that a hysterectomy is not the only way to treat uterine fibroids. There's a successful non-invasive procedure, UFE.
Not Everything is Better with Bacon
Cutting back on our consumption of processed and unprocessed meat could cut rates of diabetes, colon cancer and heart disease by as much as a third.
A Good Way to Cut Your Risk of Dementia
One risk factor tops all others when it comes to the lapses in memory that characterize dementia, and it's something you can largely fix.
Progress in Our Understanding of Migraine Pain
Migraines cause throbbing pain, nausea, fatigue and blurred vision -- symptoms that can last for days. A discovery hints at a new avenue for treatment.
What Does Economic Inequality Have to Do with Snacking?
Lower income neighborhoods have fewer food stores and consequently fewer healthy snack options than upscale areas. Know your snack options.
Do It in Person
When you socialize in person you open the door to a deeper kind of connection, one that is not only rewarding, but good for your health.
Climate Change Can Be Heartbreaking -- Literally
Rising temperatures and extreme weather events don't just hurt the environment. They are reversing progress in treating heart disease.
Help for Low Back Pain
Almost anyone can do it; it doesn't cost much; and it helped people with lower back pain go much longer without suffering a recurrence.
Lowering Blood Pressure for Mom and Baby
Hypertension during pregnancy is more common as BP guidelines are reduced and maternal age rises. Why are treatment rates still the same?
Do Medicare Advantage Plans Save You Money?
Lower monthly costs attract many to insurer-run Medicare Advantage plans. A deeper dive into what people pay and what they get reveals a less rosy picture.
How to Keep Kids' Screen Time at a Healthy Level
Parents should set limits on preteens' recreational screen time, especially at bedtime. But their own behavior is just as important.
Depression and Dementia, a Two-Way Street
Which comes first: depression or dementia? Memory issues are depressing, and treating depression can improve cognitive performance.
Don't Be Fooled by Plant-Based Foods
Not all plant-based foods are good for you. Some raise your risk of heart problems. Check the food's ingredients and nutritional profile.
A Sugar Substitute Brings Cardiac Risks
High circulating levels of the no-calorie sweetener xylitol were associated with clotting, plaques and a far higher risk of heart problems.
More Girls Are Getting Their Periods Earlier
The number of girls starting menarche early -- between 9 and 11 -- has doubled. Being overweight and socioeconomic status are among the factors that seem to play roles.
Failure Is Overrated
Failure is often seen as a prelude to future success. It may be that occasionally, but it can also lead us to be less generous to others.
The Kind of Help Heart Patients Need
One of the best things heart patients can do for themselves is to eat a heart-healthy diet. Yet few are given nutritional counseling.